Audiomodern Random Chords Generator Pro Max for Live

Audiomodern Random Chords Generator Pro Max for Live

Audiomodern Random Chords Generator Pro Max for Live
Size 2 Mb

Random Chords Generator PRO is an instrument built to create midi chords from the MIDI notes received. It comes with 52 chord types and control for manual or automatic randomization for inversion, velocity and the arp/delay of individual chord notes.

Furthermore it controls semitone’s transposition and adjusts the chord to a desired octave. It also has an option to add a final scale through 42 modalities that enable the chord adjustment to the desired tone and play always in key.

Random Chords Generator PRO offers virtually unlimited creative potential for any audio production.

New ways of creating chords and harmonies help to break new ground in music and sound using a unique concept and it is done in a visual way that is easy fun to use.

It is literally a swiss army knife for creating random chords on the spot and it goes as far as your imagination can. You’ll be surprised about its incredible flexibility in producing so inspirational results. Random Chords Generator PRO has been designed to promote music creation both in studio and live with a simple and convenient user interface.


▸ Advanced random chords creator
▸ 52 Chord Types
▸ Octave Selector
▸ Note Transposition
▸ Automatic Randomization for each key pressed
▸ Randomize Inversion
▸ Randomize Velocity
▸ Randomize Arp/Delay
▸ Can output chords over MIDI


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