Cj Rhen Pop Horns WAV

Cj Rhen Pop Horns WAV

Cj Rhen Pop Horns WAV

This pack features a collection of trumpet, tenor sax, and piano over the chord progression Am F C E7. It fits a variety of styles and feels and all the licks fit over most of the chord progression, not just the key it is labeled with. Check out cjrhenmusic.com and cjrhenmusic@gmail.com to contact me. Thank You!

If you’re looking for that “feel good” vibe, look no further. Filled with melodic construction kits and rich recordings of analog instruments and sounds from some of our favorite cities across the globe, we are proud to be able to share that Feel Good Sound with you. Genres: Funk Disco Nu Disco R&B Hip Hop House Electronica Deep House Tropical House Pop Reggae Caribbean.


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