Mastering EDM Mastering EQ Course

Mastering EDM Mastering EQ Course

Mastering EDM Mastering EQ Course

How to use eq and compression for maximum impact on the dancefloor. Learn how to balance your low end, get your kick and bassline sitting right.

Learn how to make sure your kick drum cuts through the mix and hits hard.

Learn how to get your songs loud, fat and in your face with proper EQ.
Learn to master EQ to prepare your music for a professional digital release in 2016.


Explaining the basics of EQ and why it is important.

Going through different types of EQ such as linear phase and 0 phase and M/S Eq.

Watch us EQ 9 different tracks from start to finish!

Listen to us explain why we make the choices we do make and why we choose each type of EQ.

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