Siem Spark Coral Hyperpop Drumkit WAV FXP
This is my 6th drumkit, i use these sounds in all my hyperpop/pop/trap beats! This time i uncluded quite some brakence elements, including 20 grains/textures and much more. These sounds are suitable for beats in the style of glaive, brakence, ericdoa, midwxst, aldn and whatever you want to use them for
This kit contains: 197 sounds + 6 serum presets
- 20 Basses
- 10 Claps
- 10 Cymbals
- 10 Fills
- 40 FX
- 15 Hihats
- 25 Kicks
- 10 Open Hats
- 25 Percs
- 25 Snares