Synthetic & Bart How Popstar Sample Pack WAV “Popstar” Sample Pack includes 100 original compositions created by Synthetic and Bart How in the style ..
Svdominik Untold Thoughts Loop Kit WAV svdominik presents: Untold Thoughts Loop Pack This Pack contains 21 high quality dark samples in the style of : – ..
Synthetic x Dreamprod Night Rider Sample Pack (10) Guitar Samples WAV Night Rider Sample Pack (10) – Guitar Samples “Night Rider” Sample Pack includes ..
Godboydinero Hadouken Sample Pack WAV Henney Major 808 Mafia & Godboydinero – Hadouken Sample Pack TERMS AND CONDITIONS The samples otherwise known as th files ..
Desro Avenue Sample Pack WAV We are proud and excited to share this pack with you guys. Every single sample were made with real electric / accoustic guitars. 15 placements ..