Loop Legend Silbon Multi Kit [MULTIFORMAT] this kit contains: analog lab presets 30 portal presets 25 accent 81 one-shot 102 fx, texutre, perc/drum loop 75 mixer ..
Soundwrld Blockchain (Portal Bank) Surf the crypto blockhain technology using our exclusive Portal Preset Bank “BLOCKCHAIN”. This “PORTAL” ..
Soundwrld Balenci (Serum Bank) This Serum Kit contains (+50) Serum presets created in the styles of “Kankan, YEAT, Playboi Carti” & many more artist ..
Singomakers EPYC Sounds MULTIFORMAT Singomakers are back with a sample pack tribute to the one and only – legendary Eric Prydz aka Pryda / Cyrez D. Almost 1 Gb of samples ..
Midilatino Reggaeton Midi Pack Vol III Este MIDI PACK esta totalmente diseñador para cuando la inspiracion y la musa falten, pero aun tengas deseos de produccir. ..