PML Bound to Divide Lauren L’aimant Vocal Hooks WAV Get nearly 400 vocal samples by Lauren L’aimant, produced by Bound to Divide. Royalty-Free and ready-to-use ..
Renraku Fake Love 3 WAV Picking up where FAKE LOVE and FAKE LOVE 2 left off, FAKE LOVE 3 brings an even greater array of lush sounds, perfect for sculpting into ..
JiLLiPassion Vocals Sample Pack WAV JiLLi’s versatile and unique voice defies comparison – and her first sample pack ‘JiLLi Presents Passion Vocals’ is a treasure ..
Orduz x Cashhearts®’s EUPHORIA Library WAV Oorduz x Cashhearts®’s “EUPHORIA” Library brings producers 21 hyper pop/virtual samples and 75 melodic ..
Catalyst Samples Trap Soul Sessions WAV ‘Trap Soul Sessions’ by Catalyst Samples contains a streamlined pack with top quality sounds that are intended ..