KiloHearts ULTIMATE & Slate Digital Bundle V2.3 VST2 VST3 AU AAX [WIN & macOS] Own the entire collection of Kilohearts plugins with Kilohearts Ultimate. ..
Audiority TS-1 Transient Shaper v1.2.3 VST AU AAX Size WIN//OSX 3.45 Mb//10 Mb TS-1 Transient Shaper is a multimode frequency dependent transient shaper designed ..
XLN Audio DS-10 Drum Shaper v1.0.5 WIN & MACOSX Size 27 Mb DS-10 Drum Shaper – Enhance your drums, beats, and loops in seconds (VST/AU/AAX). Awesome mixes. ..
Imprint v1.0.1 for Win & MacOSX Size 12 Mb ‘Imprint’ is an innovative multiband transient designer featuring real-time display, 3 frequency bands, adjustable ..
W.A.Production Puncher v1.0.1 WIN-OSX Size 8 Mb Perfect Punch. Puncher is a Multi-FX plug-in that will add instant power and punch to your tracks. In terms of compression, ..