Lost Stories Academy Keyboard WAV Keyboards Mega Sample Pack Format: WAV, 44k/32 Mysterious, rich and truly one of a kind, Keyboards Bundle is where you should be looking ..
GameDev Market Puzzle Music WAV Working on a fun puzzle themed project? Add to the challenge by adding our puzzling background music soundtracks. Create an immersive ..
Rhythm Section Studio RS INTL Sample Pack III: Contours WAV For our next sample pack we have invited Contours to produce a percussion focused collection of one-hits ..
Waverunner Audio Kalimba KONTAKT Seven Weeks, Week One: Introducing WA Kalimba – also known as mbira or thumb piano, this instrument has its roots in African music ..
Marcos Ciscar Enchanted Kalimba KONTAKT Size 28.5 Mb The vision here was not only to make a realistic sounding Kalimba but also to give it another layer of expressiveness. ..
Origins Of Audio Dark Kalimba For KONTAKT Size 632 Mb This is not another kalimba VST instrument. It’s something much more than this! Having sampled a 9 tine kalimba ..