lukaland Starstruck Multi Kit WAV MIDI spent multiple months on this kit to make it perfect and easy to use for EVERY DAW and EVERY PRODUCER and almost EVERY GENRE! ..
ProofOnTheTrack Chronicles 2 (Multi Kit) WAV MIDI PRESETS This producer Multi Kit collection comes with… – Drum Midi Kit – 4 Preset Banks (Analog ..
Shotguns Drum Stash Vol.1 WAV MIDI FLP FST This has all my personal go to sounds and I use this drum kit exclusively. Included In This Kit – 11 808 – ..
Scorpio Drum Stash 2022 WAV FST SCORPIO – DRUM STASH 2022 This kit contains 150+ of my go to/custom drum sounds & mixing presets. Included are: -15 MIXER ..
juizbape Forajido (Arabic Drum Kit) WAV MIDI @juizbape – “Forajido” (Arabic Drum Kit) contains all sounds i use in arabic beats – 8 808’s ..