Magix Soundpool Pop Rock New World WAV Prepare to be inspired, reinvigorated and renewed for your next step into a brave new world with the pop-rock soundpool “New ..
Сarsonbeats Eternal One Shot + Texture Kit WAV These sounds compatible in all daws, just drag and drop them like you would with drum samples & make some crazy ..
NastyTrax Sugar Loops WAV TEXTURE. That’s what Sugar Loops is all about – 134 melodic loops with tons of texture, depth and warmth like it was sampled straight ..
Vanilla Groove Studios Gypsy Swing Guitars Vol.1 WA Size 123 Mb ‘Gypsy Swing Guitars Vol 1’ is perfect if you’re looking for some bright and bouncy ..
Cymatics Vibrations – Guitar Sample Pack WAV Size 92 Mb Vibrations – Guitar Sample Pack What exactly is the “Vibrations” Guitar Sample Pack? ..